Friday, May 3, 2024

Understanding Research Study Designs PMC

transversal study design

In this context, employability, seen as having the skills, knowledge and attitude required to get a job, is gaining importance. The following studies investigate from different perspectives transversal competences in terms of competency gaps and employers’ demands. The aim was to identify the necessary modifications to make the CCBE model a valid instrument for assessing the level of compliance with the CBE. The results were positive and they showed that “teachers understood and interpreted the revised model as intended, were able to position their study programmes by using the revised model and that the content validity of the revised model was good” (Sturing et al. 2011, 191). They also highlight the need to conduct a longitudinal research on individual students' development process to understand how components of competence develop in relation to each other and how they integrate towards a more holistic professional competence.

Advantages of case–control studies

Reviewers consider the quality of the proposed contribution and whether it addresses topics of interest or raises relevant issues in systemic design. Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world.Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularlyinteresting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of themost exciting work published in the various research areas of the journal. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A FeaturePaper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook forfuture research directions and describes possible research applications.

The data can be a starting point for future research

Discourse analysis and Foucauldian discourse analysis can be adopted by the design studies scholar to further explore the above components. A Foucauldian approach specifically will analyze the power structures put in place, manipulated by, or used within a designed thing or object. This process can be particularly useful when the scholar intends to understand if the designed thing has agency or enables others to have agency. This study contributes to knowledge by focusing on the role of university, industry and doctoral students in increasing doctoral graduate employability. In his study, Fjellström (2014) describes and analyses students’ perceptions of vocational competence and identifies how this competence is built up.

Understanding Research Study Designs

transversal study design

Sometimes, controls are individually matched with cases for factors (except for the one which is the exposure of interest) which are considered important to the development of the outcome. For example, in a study on relation of smoking with lung cancer, for each case of lung cancer enrolled, one control with similar age and sex is enrolled. This would reduce the risk of confounding by age and sex – the factors used for matching.

The relevance of transversal competences in vocational education and training: a bibliometric analysis

Observation of teaching behaviour showed that teachers were working in the multifunctional environments required for establishing powerful learning environments and they tried to extend the authenticity of the learning environment. However, there was less variation in activities, learning material and learning contexts, in particular, when students were working and learning in a simulated environment. A global competitive environment, new management processes and new technologies that require employees to show autonomy, problem solving skills and a high degree of flexibility to adapt to the new circumstances and new technologies, characterize it. The current VET students have been in contact with new technologies (smartphones, tablets, video consoles) from an early age, so most of them have previous experience and prefer to use social media apps, text messages and blogs to interact and get information rather than the more traditional methods.

Unhealthy lifestyles, environment, well-being and health capability in rural neighbourhoods: a community-based cross ... - BMC Public Health

Unhealthy lifestyles, environment, well-being and health capability in rural neighbourhoods: a community-based cross ....

Posted: Mon, 06 Sep 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Cross-sectional studies serve many purposes, and the cross-sectional design is the most relevant design when assessing the prevalence of disease, attitudes and knowledge among patients and health personnel, in validation studies comparing, for example, different measurement instruments, and in reliability studies. This paper describes the use of cross-sectional studies and provides examples within obstetrics and gynecology. Caveats are also described; for example, when cross-sectional data is used for analytical purposes of associations between an exposure and an outcome, authors and readers should be careful not to make causal inferences, unless the exposure may safely be assumed to be stable over time and not influenced by experiencing the outcome.

transversal study design

According to Barros (2019), STEM candidates received higher training in transversal skills from universities than in Social Sciences. The study found a divergence of transversal skill training between STEM and Social Sciences, where the former group appears to have profited more by teaching transferable skills. Nowadays, educators must adopt a motivating role, analyse the implications of the learning process and introduce new methodologies that help students to acquire the necessary skills for becoming lifelong learners. According to González-Peiteado and Rodríguez-López (2017), understanding how our students acquire knowledge is key for activating the learning process. However, we must not forget the role of policymakers and their interest in learning from the best examples of VET systems.

Bibliometric analysis

As discussed previously, in observational analytical studies, the exposure is naturally determined as opposed to experimental studies where an investigator assigns each subject to receive or not receive a particular exposure. In analytical observational studies, researchers try to establish an association between exposure(s) and outcome(s). Depending on the direction of enquiry, these studies can be directed forwards (cohort studies) or backwards (case–control studies). Graduate academies in Germany such as the University of Jena Graduate School in Germany prepares doctoral students for careers in academics, society and business by integrating interdisciplinary topics into specific programs and custom-made courses for transversal skills development. Doctoral programs offered by the University College Cork includes a wide range of modules to help doctoral students develop transversal skills such as scientific writing, communication and presentation skills (EC, 2011b).

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In the first three of these, data are collected on individuals, whereas the last one uses aggregated data for groups. A cross-sectional study does not need to have a control group, as the population studied is not selected based on exposure. In cross-sectional studies, researchers select a sample population and gather data to determine the prevalence of a problem.

Descriptive studies describe the characteristics of interest in the study population (also referred to as sample, to differentiate it from the entire population in the universe). In a case report, the researcher describes his/her experience with symptoms, signs, diagnosis, or treatment of a patient. Sometimes, a group of patients having a similar experience may be grouped to form a case series. In this article, we will look at the important features of various types of research study designs used commonly in biomedical research. For example, it might be true that there is no correlation between infant mortality and family income at the city level, while still being true that there is a strong relationship between infant mortality and family income at the individual level. All aggregate statistics are subject to compositional effects, so that what matters is not only the individual-level relationship between income and infant mortality, but also the proportions of low, middle, and high income individuals in each city.

Teamwork is considered to promote the acquisition of other soft skills (communication, collaboration, problem-solving, leadership, etc.) and emerges as the dominant skill across all the disciplines analysed. Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes have included the acquisition of transversal competences in their curricula as a tool to increase employability. The number of researches has exponentially grown in the last years, emphasizing its relevance and the multiple approaches and factors involved in the learning process.

Research methodology topics: Cross-sectional studies

transversal study design

“This might be due to the fact that students get a more accurate picture of the complexity of the workplace and can compare their own competence to the requirements of the workplace and the competence level of other more experienced employees" (Baartman and Ruijs 2011, 395). However, this design does carry a risk of bias, i.e., the results of the study may not represent the true situation in the population. The myopia study included only those children who attended school, and the prevalence of myopia could have been different in those did not attend school (e.g., those with severe myopia may not be able to see the blackboard and hence may have been more likely to drop out of school).

Cross-sectional studies

transversal study design

A different approach on the incorporation of soft skills in educational programs and its relationship with employability is Boyer’s study (2017) on the benefits of participating in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes integrated with training for vocational skills. The objective was to determine whether the integration of English language instruction with a vocational program influenced participants’ job-seeking activities and employability. The main findings and recommendations of the study were, first, that developing a curriculum requires a multi-layered approach including training, education, and career development. Second, the participants were aware of their learning needs and created learning strategies. And third, that “due to the complexity of learning needs in the current and future workforce, adult education and human resource development must work together to provide unique programs that will contribute to the learning needs of individuals, organizations, and society simultaneously” (Boyer 2017, 3).

How to cite this article

transversal study design

The authors propose the modification of the existing teaching–learning strategies to integrate soft skills more successfully in the curriculum. The MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Programme provides a special learning experience for doctoral students through its partnership with industry and government. After graduation, students receive a PhD degree and certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the University of Zaragoza and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively.

Propositions for transversal skill training

Hence, the conclusion is that the success of an educational program does not rely on a single factor but on the combination of different ones and the implication of all the actors in the educational process. This is not the only study on the analysis of the existing knowledge and skills gaps and the relevance of the acquisition of transversal competences for employability. Rajadurai et al. (2018) investigated the gap between the knowledge, skills, abilities and personality of technical students and their actual performance in employment as assessed by a group of Human Resource managers. The results demonstrated the importance of developing transversal competences to enhance graduates’ competency, reliability, creativity and flexibility to meet industry requirements. Another example is Moldovan’s (2019) study included in the Erasmus + project iNduce 4.0.

Educators have had to put in practice new ways of online teaching in record time with the main purpose of fostering autonomous learning and the development of the transversal competences most demanded by the job market at the moment. The so called “new normal” has revealed the need to boost online learning and the use of new technologies as tools to acquire the skills to face the current needs of companies that are adapting at breakneck pace to telework environments, online sales, remote customer service, etc.. In this new normal, employees must possess higher skills in organization, leadership, adaptability, autonomy, teamwork and communication, among others. The acquisition of transversal competences is considered as a key element for effective employment and an essential part of the role of VET as well. To produce individuals equipped with the adequate skills adapted to the demands of the social, political and economic situation, VET institutions need to work together with the industry and policymakers. Nowadays, countries with well-developed VET systems present lower youth unemployment rates (Baumeler 2019), therefore, policymakers seek to borrow this model from those countries to transfer to their own countries.

About this article

Through the Austrian Science Fund, doctoral students in research-based universities benefit from study abroad programmes and transversal skills training. The Flemish schools connect their doctoral programmes with job market outcomes by providing transversal skill training to early career researchers (EC, 2011b). The second research topic is transversal competences and employability in VET students. Rapid changes in the economy and the labour market can create imbalances between VET programmes and industry needs, because it becomes more and more difficult to anticipate future skill needs in the workplace. Our search brought to light the scarcity of studies at VET level and the need to understand the job market’s requirements for our students. If we think about the COVID-19 sanitary and economic crisis, we understand the relevance of addressing the pressing issue of youth unemployment and the development of those competences which will allow the future employees to adapt to new situations.

Safe driving behaviors among taxi drivers: a predictive cross-sectional study based on the health belief model ... - Archives of Public Health

Safe driving behaviors among taxi drivers: a predictive cross-sectional study based on the health belief model ....

Posted: Wed, 16 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Multiple variables and outcomes can be researched and compared at once

A literature review approach, which involved synthesizing and analyzing existing literature, was adopted in this study. A literature review method is used to identify existing information on a topic and interpretable trends in a research area (Pare et al., 2017), all of which align with this study. Essential themes were identified and collected from literature through an inductive coding technique to find answers to questions in this study. As Thomas (2006) suggested, an inductive approach allows research findings to arise from important themes present in data without constraints posed by structured methodologies. Nevertheless, CBE also has an impact on teachers’ role and teaching practice in VET (De Bruijn, 2012; Järvi, 2012). De Bruijn (2012) examined the teaching practices, related personal ideas and professional attitudes of ten teachers from five vocational schools to understand the interaction between teachers and students.

Bibliometric analysis

These are very good for measuring the prevalence of a disease or of a risk factor in a population. For example, let us think of a hospital that records every patient's smoking status at the time of the first visit. A researcher may use these records from 10 years ago, and then contact the persons today to check if any of them have already been diagnosed or currently have features of lung cancer. This is still a forward-direction study (exposure traced forward among exposed and unexposed to outcome) but is retrospective (since the outcome may have already occurred).

Models of transversal skills training

Dual VET programs, based on the German VET model, combine elements of the school-based learning with work-based practice. Their main objective is to produce skilled workers with flexible qualifications, capable of working in their chosen fields and to adapt to new job opportunities (Alemán 2015; Euler 2013). In practical terms, this means that the educational institutions and employers, always in compliance with the education policy, work together when designing training curricula. Thus, they acquire theoretical knowledge and transversal competences that allow them to become lifelong learners and to adapt to the changeable work market needs. Case reports and case-series refer to a solitary patient or to only a few cases, who may represent a chance occurrence.

The Chi-square methods and the Fisher's exact test are used in this association analysis because they are based on the diference between the expected values and those observed in the research to define their statistical significance6. For this to be possible it is necessary that the sample used in the research be as representative as possible the study universe, be accuratec, and that its size (n) is sufficient to guarantee results with the necessary precisiond. Accuracy and precision are not equivalent, because depending on the sample type and its size (n), it can be accurate but very precise or imprecise, but little accurate. The ideal condition is to obtain from the sample an accurate result that, at the same time, is also precision3. As a consequence, to reduce the cost and time of conducting the survey it is often necessary to use samples (from the universe) that, based on statistical analyzes, produce results and estimates capable of producing generalizable conclusions, even with some limitations4.

Because perceptions of students and teachers on student achievement might differ, considering both perspectives to analyse CBVE provides valuable and useful information to identify and strengthen its effectiveness. Certain researchers support the idea of exploring and implementing new methodological approaches to tackle the lack of engagement of many VET students. On the one hand, Yang (2015) proposed and evaluated a blended approach “with enhanced instructor support and scaffolding, provision of appropriate learning aids, and the use of collaborative learning” (Yang 2015, 290). In general, blended learning combines several features of face-to-face learning with the use of information technology in the form of e-learning strategies. This new approach for creating educational programs can take into account the individual differences between students and bring together different learning methods (Stapa et al. 2015). Results showed that this methodology could promote thinking skills (creative, critical and problem solving) and had a positive impact on academic achievement (Yang 2015).

In epidemiology and public health research, cross-sectional studies are used to assess exposure (cause) and disease (effect) and compare the rates of diseases and symptoms of an exposed group with an unexposed group. They can be beneficial for describing a population or “taking a snapshot” of a group of individuals at a single moment in time. In this study, researchers examine a group of participants and depict what already exists in the population without manipulating any variables or interfering with the environment. When the phenomena to be studied (risk and outcome) are quantitative (numerical) variables, it is also possible to analyze their relations by means of comparisons of means or medians using parametric statistical tests (Student's T, Fisher's Exact) or non-parametric (Mann- Whitney). In these conditions it is also possible to calculate correlation coefficients (Pearson or Spearman) and, possibly, linear regression models and even to evaluate sensitivity, specificity and predictive values (+ or -) using ROC Curves (Receiver Operating Characteristics Curves).

On the other hand, in transversal studies, observations about exposure and outcome are made at a single point in time. Design studies scholars may also analyze or research a designed object or system by studying it in terms of representations and their various meanings. Semiotics studies acts of communication between the designer, the thing, and the user or users. Scholars such as Richard Buchanan argue that design can be studied in such a way due to the existence of a design argument.[37] The design argument is made up by the designer, the user, and the applicability to "practical life".[37] The scholar would pull these segments apart and thoroughly analyze each component and their interactions.

This permits anyone to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or form according to the licence terms. BRL made substantial contributions to the conception of the work; ICL made substantial contribution on the analysis and the interpretation of data; ICL have drafted and write the work and BRL substantively revised it. The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

However, despite this, it has been shown that cases are far more likely than controls to recall history of exposure—the “recall bias.” For example, mothers of babies born with congenital anomalies may provide a more detailed history of drugs ingested during their pregnancy than those with normal babies. Also, since case-control studies do not begin with a population at risk, it is not possible to determine the true risk of outcome. As the job market evolves, soft skills are becoming more and more important for VET graduates and job seekers. Many governments and educational institutions, aware of this situation, are working on redesigning their training systems to strengthen transferable soft skills. A study conducted in Australia (Gekara and Snell 2018) examines the challenges of developing transferable skills among Australia´s workforce and the conflicts that can emerge between different actors. VET systems aim to enable workers for significant flexibility in occupational mobility.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

22 In-Ground Pool Designs Best Swimming Pool Design Ideas for Your Backyard

design a pool

There's a swimming pool type for every outdoor space–even long, narrow side yards or smack-dab-in-the-middle courtyards. From sleek, modern masterpieces to Mediterranean escapes to private waterparks to natural pools, we've found every size, style, design, and type of pool you can imagine. After the pool base is complete, a contractor will build a surface-level deck around it and apply the pool finish. The length of time for installation depends on the complexity of the design. Extra features do bump up the cost but give more customization options, including zero-entry points (like on a beach), waterfalls, hot tubs, lighting, and stones. After determining a budget, homeowners will need to decide how they will pay for their pool.

How To: Build a Pool

Call for Entries: 2024 Masters of Design - Pool & Spa News

Call for Entries: 2024 Masters of Design.

Posted: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 01:13:33 GMT [source]

A traditional pool will have a shallow end on one side, usually about 3.5 feet deep. Shallow ends are a great feature if children or inexperienced swimmers are using your pool. According to Argenziano, more homeowners are opting for shallow pools today. Whether it’s fiberglass, vinyl liner or concrete, each type of pool offers its own pros and cons. The cushion and pillow are made from polyester fabric and polypropylene fiber, and you can remove both for cleaning.

Plan Your Backyard Oasis with Our Augmented Reality App

That depends on your credit and your lender, but by getting swimming pool blueprints and specifications on your project first, you can show your lender the scope of the project and help them estimate costs. Professional drawings also show lenders you’re taking your construction job seriously. Those who choose to build a pool themselves can expect the project to take at least 3 months. Mistakes can significantly extend the time as well as the budget needed to build the pool. Hiring a contractor may shorten the pool-building process significantly since they have the tools, experience, and crew necessary to finish the job efficiently. Finally, once the hole for the pool has been created, it’s essential to grade the bottom surface so it is as level as possible.

design a pool


Emily Estep is a plant biologist and journalist who has worked for a variety of online news and media outlets, writing about and editing topics including environmental science and houseplants. Please fill out the form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

Aqua Pool & Spa / Treelight Design - ArchDaily

Aqua Pool & Spa / Treelight Design.

Posted: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Kids can also chill out, play, and splash around safely at this depth. In HomeLight’s Top Agent Insights Report for Spring 2021, agents from across the country echo Long’s observation. Nationally, the amount of value an in-ground pool adds to a home has increased an estimated 69% on average since the arrival of COVID-19.

How do I find builders to install my dream virtual pool?

Once you submit your creation, you’ll receive an email with the features you chose, along with an estimated price range for everything you selected. Owner-builders are required to follow the same rules as general contractors. Your state or city may have specific requirements you’ll need to follow to get an owner-builder permit. For outdoor structures like pools, the code rules are largely the same throughout the country and you likely won’t need to attend classes.

Once you have the basics for your pool down, reach out to pool contractors to compare portfolios and prices. Professionals will give you even more pool design ideas to play with. When you get your pool design right, you’ll feel like you’re on vacation in your own backyard. With more and more people wanting the tropical resort experience in their backyard, swim-up bars are becoming more popular. The bar design may simply include a surface higher than the water line to rest drinks on or include bonus features like underwater stools and an overhead shade.

Rather than placing your glass on the ground, where it can be easily knocked over, you can set it on the included rattan table that also folds for easy storage. This side table is large enough to also fit a platter of fruit salad or bowl of chips, but not too big that it takes up a lot of space between the two lounge chairs. In the Good Housekeeping Institute Textiles, Paper and Apparel Lab, we test everything from the best pool floats for adults to the best beach chairs.

design a pool

Hiring one of the best pool installation companies can help narrow down which tools are necessary for the job. Shape, depth, and size aren’t the only things you have to consider when designing your pool. Sometimes the space around your pool also needs a little TLC to make it comfortable for you and your guests. If you add a diving board to your pool, you’ll need a minimum depth of 8 feet. The height and type of diving board determine the pool depth required to keep you safe from harsh impacts. If you want to use your pool to play water-based sports like volleyball, pool designers recommend a depth of 4 feet.

Part of your responsibility as an owner-builder is pulling permits and getting HOA approvals for your project. By getting your pool blueprints first, you’re much more likely to get approvals. We value our customers and always strive to guide them throughout the ground establishment process. Design by POOLAID has years of experience in swimming design, pool blueprints and pool layout plans. Our design team creates your pool plans based on your needs, preferences, and budget. For those living in neighborhoods with an HOA, there may be pool construction requirements or restrictions in the community rules.

Insurance companies see diving boards as an enormous opportunity for liability. It is our mission at Designs by PoolAid to assist homeowners in creating the swimming pool of their dreams through creativity, affordability, and a proven process. Like many contractors, pool builders charge the lowest prices during their least-busy season. It’s important to take the area’s climate into account as it may not be possible to build in late winter if your region has harsh freezing conditions.

You'll also want to check your local regulations to make sure your pool is up to code and safety standards. Shotcrete is simply concrete sprayed onto a surface covered in a reinforcing structure. The three different pool plan packages below are designed to get you ready, so you can start building your swimming pool and unique poolside area now. If your backyard has any challenging setups or conditions, those can drive up the final cost, too. If you’re planning on building a DIY inground pool, there’s the chance that the final product might not look as good as you’d expected.

At the Good Housekeeping Institute, we review outdoor furniture of all kinds so you don't have to scroll through dozens of products online. We also took into account weight capacity, comfort, storage ability and more. With DESIGNS BY POOLAID you can create different types of pool plans. We’ll make it easier for you to design your swimming pool by streamlining various factors like the size and shape of the pool, the location, and any additional features or accessories you want to include. Few things say summer like days spent beating the heat poolside, especially when the pool happens to be in your own backyard.

However, the installation process is similar, whether you’re putting in a fiberglass, vinyl, or concrete pool. Start by choosing a suitable location for your new pool, then deciding on your preferred shape and depth. You’ll then hire out a building crew, who will excavate the area, add the necessary plumbing and electrical wiring elements, and finally pour concrete or insert a water-retentive liner before filling the pool.

How To Build a Pool: A Step By Step Guide to In Ground Pool Construction

design a pool

Wondering how to build a swimming pool in your backyard but have no clue where to start? If you’ve never excavated or constructed an in-ground pool before, it can be a daunting task that takes several weeks and costs thousands of dollars. There’s a lot to keep in mind for this project, from choosing a location, financing the pool, excavating, building, and finally filling and treating the pool.

Add a Waterfall Feature

While the price depends on your specific design, the average swim-up bar costs around $5,000. Originally designed by architect Lawrence Halpin in 1948, the kidney-shaped pool became a popular alternative to rectilinear pool styles. You can easily integrate the curving, organic silhouette into your surrounding landscaping for a more natural-looking water feature. Kidney shapes also complement the low-profile architecture, especially one-story, ranch houses, and modest cottage homes.

Plan Your Inground Pool with Latham

+ POOL slated to open first location in New York City this summer, more pools in Buffalo, Rochester, and Newburgh ... - The Architect's Newspaper

+ POOL slated to open first location in New York City this summer, more pools in Buffalo, Rochester, and Newburgh ....

Posted: Fri, 05 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Who knew a discarded shipping container would make for such an attractive swimming pool? Modpools is the mastermind behind these heated pools that take only minutes to set up. The back porch of this Texas ranch house is home to plenty of poolside entertaining options, including an outdoor living room, bar, and kitchen. You should also speak with your homeowner’s insurance company to see if there are coverage options for owner-builders.

What to look for when shopping for pool lounge chairs

The virtual pool designer is not currently available for mobile or tablet devices. Please use a desktop web browser to take full advantage of this feature. Browse our regional pool guides to understand the nuances of planning a pool project in your state. Authorized dealers and builders of Latham Pool Products, Inc. (“Latham”) are independently owned and operated, and are neither affiliated with nor agents or representatives of Latham. Latham makes no representations or warranties as to, and is not responsible for, the performance, acts or omissions of such parties. It is the ultimate responsibility of the property owner to select a Latham-authorized dealer and/or a Latham builder based upon their individual assessment of such dealer or contractor.

Pool Design Ideas: 22 AD-Approved Options - Architectural Digest

Pool Design Ideas: 22 AD-Approved Options.

Posted: Mon, 05 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Add Patterned Tile Details

One customer notes that they found the chairs to be comfortable but too low to the ground — which isn't ideal for those with joint pain. You can adjust the height and recline of the chair whether you prefer to be upright or lay back, and we appreciate the padded headrest pillow for extra comfort. The chair folds up for easy portability if you want to take it to the beach or on a camping trip.

design a pool

Incorporate Natural Elements

Customize your backyard plan with symbols for furniture and textures for flooring. Below, we share our favorite ideas for small pools, from stock tank pools to modular ones, that will help you stay within budget and will have you enjoying the pool more than maintaining it. The swimming pool industry can be challenging terrain, riddled with unlicensed contractors, permitting issues, and misinformation, often leading to undue stress.

Lined by hedges and strategically-placed flowering plants, this pool feels indulgent and secluded. Depending on where you live, a pool can be an attractive feature or a huge turnoff for a potential buyer. Pools are extremely popular in the southern regions of the United States to help deal with the hot weather.

Farmhouse Style Pool

It’s a relatively expensive project requiring heavy-duty equipment and specialists to handle electric and plumbing installations along with extra features per your desires. A professional can alleviate the stress of planning how to build a pool and allow you to look forward to enjoying it. Finally, the addition of special features can add time and cost to the project, but they may greatly enhance your enjoyment of the pool. According to Friedman, “I always encourage our customers to make their pools their own.

Unlike concrete and vinyl pools, fiberglass pools are pre-made, meaning there is little room for customization. However, fiberglass pools are the quickest to build, taking just 14 to 30 days to install on average. The initial cost of a fiberglass pool is higher than vinyl, costing $50,000 on average. The popularity of vinyl-liners is growing — this material is now the second-most popular choice for in-ground pools. Vinyl-liner pools are built with a one-piece liner set into the excavated ground and attached to a steel or aluminum-framed wall. If you aren't swimming and you aren't reading, then there may be a chance that you are tanning poolside.

Rectangular-shaped pools are the most affordable because of their simple pool design plans and straight angles. Building one also doesn’t require as much expertise compared to curved and freeform pools. Because pool builders spend less time and use less equipment to build this type of pool, they won’t charge you as much as other swimming pool designs and plans. A swimming pool can make a great addition to a big back yard, but installing one is far from a DIY project. In most cities, you won’t be allowed to build a pool yourself, as construction must be supervised by a licensed builder in order to be considered up to code.

If you’re adding or remodeling a pool, you’ll need to sort through hundreds of pool design ideas to determine the best size, shape, materials, and features for your personal paradise. Whether you're catching up poolside with your best friend or snuggling close with your significant other, a two-person lounge chair can make your patio area more inviting. We especially like this one because you can adjust each side separately and choose from five reclining positions. It also has a steel frame and two acacia wood wheels for easier setup. The textured polyester cushion is machine washable and designed to be weather-resistant. If you enjoy sipping a glass of chilled lemonade or refreshing sangria on a summer evening, having a table poolside makes a huge difference.

There are a variety of different natural stone decking options available, including travertine, flagstone, and slate. Bluestone is a fantastic choice for an outdoor space surrounded by natural charm — it’s a durable, non-slip, and water-resistant material. Keep in mind that you’ll need to periodically seal natural stone to protect it from weather and pool chemicals. There’s a swimming pool design for every outdoor living space, including those long and narrow yards and petite plots of land.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

French Style Garden 5 Inspiring Ideas for French Garden Design

french garden design

French garden landscape design is a culmination of history, culture, and nature, coming together to create an enchanting outdoor space. The hallmarks of a French garden can be seen in more formal and strict gardens like the grand ones at Versailles or as simple as a potager, or kitchen garden. Planting beds are sectioned off for specific herbs and plants meant for cooking. Potagers are more practical, but their design borrows from the rich tradition of French formal gardens. Upkeep will require regular maintenance for any garden using this style.

French Garden Ideas (7 Choices For Plants, Statues, & More)

9 Garden Styles From Around the World To Inspire You - Family Handyman

9 Garden Styles From Around the World To Inspire You.

Posted: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Jacques Boyceau, sieur de la Barauderie (c. 1560–1633) the superintendent of royal gardens under Louis XIII, became the first theorist of the new French style. His book, Traité du jardinage selon les raisons de la nature et de l'art. Ensemble divers desseins de parterres, pelouzes, bosquets et autres ornements was published after his death in 1638. French knot gardens – known as parterres – use coloured gravel, paving, shrubs and flowerbeds to create a weaving path for contemplation. Smaller gardens can still evoke French garden design with the use of pools or bowls of water.

stay in touch

Every property can be arranged into a French style garden, although it won't look the same in each case. A larger yard is far more advantageous, but it doesn't mean it's easier to design. But if you want to create the look of a French garden, you need to group plants together in repeating patterns for a bigger impact. First, you use the stakes, string line, and compass to make sure all your lines follow the same trajectory. It takes a few more minutes to plant straight lines, but it then makes it easier to hoe between your rows and cut down on your weeding time.

A French garden - charming ponds and fountains

Using antique French lanterns can add French lumiere to your night garden. Goose neck wall sconces with enamel shades are a classic choice for illuminating dining areas and pathways for circulating around the graden. Imagine the charm of Parisian boulevards as you relax at a bistro table with marble or alabaster tops paired with sturdy cast-iron bases.

Formal French gardens often feature water in some way, usually with a fountain or decorative pool. As the water reflects light, it can be used to make your garden appear more illuminated and open. Metal and stonework are common elements for adding structure to a French garden. There are lots of ways you could incorporate this, for example, with a metal bench or stone fountain.

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Creating a focal point that draws the gaze to a particular area of your garden is a simple trick to evoking a more formal feel. Many such elements can be found on antiques markets and garage sales. Nonetheless, you can restore them at a low cost, and then put them in your garden, where they will serve you for years.

Discover the most important information and check the best ideas for this type of landscaping. They form the “bones” of the garden within, which are geometric designations along with areas of confined perennials and grasses and more rigid designs of formal hedges, parterre, and topiaries. Built in the 12th century as a military fortress, Château de Pouy-sur-Vannes stands as a soaring example of the region’s architecture and history. Homeowner and designer Juan Pablo Molyneux restored many original elements of the home, including its surrounding moat and formal gardens. Fashion designer Hubert de Givenchy and landscape designer Bunny Mellon carefully curated the grounds of Le Jonchet to feel formal while having wild moments.

french garden design

The crunch of gravel underfoot as you stroll through your garden can evoke a sense of nostalgia and tranquility, transporting you to the picturesque landscapes of the French countryside. This deliberate arrangement creates a sense of balance and order that is characteristic of French gardens. The symmetrical layout encourages the eye to move smoothly and effortlessly throughout the space, creating a visually captivating experience for visitors. By aligning plantings and features symmetrically, you obtain a cohesive and cohesive look that reflects the fascination with order and symmetry that is characteristic of the French style.

21 Boxwood Landscaping Ideas 2021 - Boxwoods for Front Yard and Backyard - Veranda

21 Boxwood Landscaping Ideas 2021 - Boxwoods for Front Yard and Backyard.

Posted: Fri, 05 Mar 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]

In this post, we’re going to look at some of the most integral French themed garden ideas and features that you should consider if you’re going to attempt this beautiful style at home. When designing your flower-based French garden, you can decide to pick plants in certain colors. This idea is suitable for any type of property, regardless of the size. The orderly character of a French garden design doesn’t mean you have to give up certain decorative elements. While you should keep them in moderation - interesting and distinct objects are encouraged in a space like this.

Repeat that pattern four times so you end up with four patches of 4 x 4 heads for repeating symmetry. Willow is one of the most common materials used to create a living fence. It’s pliable, fast-growing, and doesn’t mind a little crowding of its roots.

Parterre designs have been used for centuries in French gardens to add a sense of grandeur and architectural elegance. The concept of a French garden is deeply rooted in the principles of geometry, order, and balance. Every element of style gardens is carefully arranged to create a harmonious composition, reflecting the influence of classical architecture and the desire for aesthetic perfection. The use of geometrically shaped flower beds, parterres, and alleys lined with meticulously trimmed trees and shrubs all contribute to the visual appeal of the design of style gardens.

The low clipped hedges are laid out in a symmetrical pattern, these can be quite intricate or as simple as four squares next to each other with a gravel path seperating them. Generally the more intricate patterns will be close to the house or chateau and simpler patterns further away. To ensure that their designs are tailored to your individual preferences, Shrubhub's experienced design consultants work closely with you to understand your style and vision. Whether you desire a traditional, Mediterranean, or modern French garden, Shrubhub can bring your ideas to life. Gravel pathways are a classic feature commonly found in French gardens.

french garden design

Our collection of outdoor Antique French furniture includes small settings well-suited to courtyards. The gardens along this rugged coastline receive plenty of rainfall - lush lawns and huge hydrangeas can thrive in the French gardens of Normandy. Views can be framed with intentional plantings that will accentuate the prospect and direct the eye.

In France’s formal gardens, there is an emphasis on imposing control over nature. One of the ways this is done is by creating a geometric plan, where trees are planted in straight, neat rows, and topiary trees are clipped into uniform shapes. It means the marked paths and their branches are perfectly straight - identical in both directions. The mentioned geometry is also a characteristic feature of plants appearing in a French garden. For this reason, French style gardens are recommended to those who love order.

These gardens are a reflection of the French appreciation for art, beauty, and the pursuit of perfection. They serve as a living testament to the grandeur of the past and continue to inspire generations of garden enthusiasts around the world. In this article, we delve into the enchanting world of French garden landscape design, exploring its historical significance, cultural influences, and the timeless elegance it brings to any outdoor setting. Having a formal French garden doesn’t mean that there’s no space for growing fresh ingredients. French cuisine has high standards, and that means having access to fresh ingredients. Potagers have a long tradition in France, and even the finest estates with formal gardens would have a potager close at hand.

Patterned tablecloths from the weekly marché add color to an outdoor tablescape, and fresh-cut floral and herb bouquets from the surrounding garden make a lovely centerpiece. Garden steps and pathways can be laid out to complement the architecture of the dwelling and are delightful to follow as the natural landscape undulates. These mossy antique garden swans look beautiful as they are but could also be lovely welcoming companions on a porch overflowing with spring flowers. Meticulously crafted by hand since the eighteenth century, Anduze urns are made from terracotta and adorned with sculptural garlands, finished with green and yellow glazes. Prior to planting lemon, lime, orange, or kumquat trees, it's essential to assess their suitability for your climate or be ready to provide shelter, such as a glasshouse, during the winter months. Some of the world's most famous gardens employ French-style gardening techniques, but none are more well-known than the gardens at the Palace of Versailles.

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french garden design

French gardens are revered for their meticulously crafted geometric shapes, which emanate elegance and precision. To achieve this aesthetic, consider incorporating straight paths that intersect at right angles, creating a symmetrical and balanced design that is pleasing to the eye. French garden design closely borrow from Italian landscapes with their similar themes of symmetry. Moroccan courtyard gardens reflect the need for cooling elements and protection from the elements. Mediterranean gardens almost always contain terracotta pottery while French gardens use classic wood planter boxes or Anduze vases.

french garden design

Create a knot garden

After installation, we offer ongoing horticultural consultations in concert with a skilled maintenance program to ensure healthy stewardship of your investment to its full potential. Sign up to receive the weekly newsletter from our sister site, Garden Design! You’ll join thousands of design-conscious readers to get gardening inspiration and innovative design solutions for enjoying outdoor spaces.

André Le Nôtre, The Man Behind the French Formal Garden - solosophie

André Le Nôtre, The Man Behind the French Formal Garden.

Posted: Thu, 02 Mar 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Herb gardens and vegetable beds

The Versailles Orangerie had walls five meters thick, with a double wall that maintains temperatures in winter between 5 and 8 degrees Celsius (41 and 46 °F). André Le Nôtre (1613–1700) was the most important figure in the history of the French garden. The gardens he created became the symbols of French grandeur and rationality, setting the style for European gardens until the arrival of the English landscape park in the 18th century.

Best Vegetables and Fruits to Grow If You Don’t Have Big Backyard

Circles became ovals, called rotules, with alleys radiating outward in the shape of an 'x', and irregular octagon shapes appeared. Gardens began to follow the natural landscape, rather than moving earth to shape the ground into artificial terraces. France’s gardens are known for their stunning, carefully pruned topiary displays. If your garden has enough space, consider adding simple boxwood topiaries. These plants are easy to trim into different shapes such as spheres or spirals, creating a juxtaposition of height and geometry that is characteristic of French garden design.

thought on “Secrets Revealed: How to Achieve a Breathtaking French Country Garden”

An Old Garden Rose is any rose that predated 1867 (when the first hybrid tea rose was discovered). Plant a shrub in a parterre or plant climbing roses to climb up walls and over arches. This garden at the Château de Villette shows how you can combine these traditional French elements with elegance. At the edge of a gravel driveway, a hedge archway is flanked by two stone lions, leading into a knot garden.

Colours, flowers and trees

Nestling these seating arrangements within picturesque corners of your garden enhances the charm and allure of your outdoor space. Consider placing them near fragrant flower beds, along a meandering pathway, under fruit trees, or overlooking a tranquil water feature. By carefully positioning these seating areas, you can create hidden retreats that invite you to relax, unwind, and savor the sensory delights of your French garden.

Colorado Springs Yard Design Ideas

Hedging your less structured growing areas with perfectly pruned herbs or other perennials also brings order to your more chaotic seasonal vegetables. You may want to use raised beds laid out in an obvious repeating pattern. Or, you may want to orient your garden around a feature such as a water fountain or circular seating area. One of the easiest ways to add a sense of French order to a garden is to plant in perfectly straight lines. Let’s face it, homestead gardens are often so productivethat they sometimes look like a chaotic weedy mess. I’ve had people walk allover my medicinal herbs simply since they didn’t realize they were in thegarden.

The process is simple and cost-effective, making it accessible to all. To get started, you select a package that suits your needs – whether it's a front yard, back yard, or both. Combining plants with different leaf shapes, sizes, and textures adds depth and visual interest to your garden. Integrate a variety of foliage types, such as feathery ferns, delicate grasses, or broad-leafed plants, to enhance the overall aesthetic and create a diverse tapestry of natural textures. In French garden design, symmetry plays a central role in achieving a balanced and harmonious visual appeal.

The southern regions are famous for beautiful pots traditionally used to store olives and oil. Ancient Biot jars are the most authentic and are found frequently in the coastal gardens of the Côte d'Azur. These distinctive clay jars add an instant Mediterranean touch to any garden. Garden lighting can be used to enhance architectural elements and large trees for special occasions after dark.

Installing your own fountain provides the perfect centrepiece for a French garden courtyard, and can break up larger areas of plants or gravel. The sound of running water also helps create an atmosphere of tranquility. Your focal point doesn’t have to be intricate or expensive; it can be as simple as placing a bench in a central square in your garden, or a beautiful sculpture in the middle of your flower beds. Gravel is often used for pathways in French garden design, and can create a seamless transition from the garden to a patio or veranda area.

Landscape designer Drew Kenn planted crab apple trees, dwarf boxwood, and New Guinea impatiens in a parterre-style at this Connecticut cottage to highlight a path to the riverbank. Regardless of their size, French gardens typically showcase exquisite garden planters in both formal classical and modern styles. Pots and planters come in a wide range of sizes, colors, and materials, offering a delightful array of options to explore. Classic and timeless, cast iron Medici urns add a touch of elegance, while antique planters boast incredible patinas and embody the unique characteristics of the regions in which they were crafted. By incorporating elements such as ornate fountains, tranquil ponds, and intimate seating areas, you can create a sanctuary that reflects the rich heritage and refined taste of French garden aesthetics. Wrought-iron benches are a timeless choice that effortlessly blends with the elegance and romance of French garden design.

Above all else, symmetry and geometry are the main hallmarks of French gardens, imposing order over nature. The epitome of this mathematic approach are the gardens at the Palace of Versailles. Designers in this country took Italian formality to the next level, planting and pruning it into a tightly controlled yet florid (even flouncy) look. Imagine strolling beneath a coiffed horse-chestnut allée in the Tuileries in Paris, through ruler-straight rows of perfumed lavender in Provence, or along curlicues of emeraldgreen turf at Versailles.

France's aristocratic gardens weave a pathway from present to past - The Guardian

France's aristocratic gardens weave a pathway from present to past.

Posted: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Benches and moss-covered garden chairs can encourage people to pause and enjoy the garden. By incorporating elements like traditional plants, rustic furniture, and soothing fountains, you can create an enchanting outdoor space that reflects your personal style. You can also add wrought iron tables, chairs, and benches, as they exude the timeless charm of a traditional French garden. Their intricate details and sturdy construction effortlessly blend with the natural surroundings, adding a touch of elegance to your outdoor oasis.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

AIAA Announces 2024 Design Build Fly DBF Competition Winners

aiaa design build fly

Teams from over one-hundred institutions must design, fabricate, and demonstrate the flight capabilities of an unmanned, electric, radio-controlled aircraft that best meets specified mission profiles. This year marks the largest ever DBF Competition flyoff participation, with 868 university students on 81 teams attending onsite. The flyoff event was hosted by AIAA Corporate Member Raytheon in Tucson, Ariz.

Design/Build/Fly Competition

Student team to participate in national custom-built aircraft competition - College of Engineering News - Iowa State University College of Engineering News

Student team to participate in national custom-built aircraft competition - College of Engineering News.

Posted: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 21:12:57 GMT [source]

After experiencing issues setting up test flights before the competition, the team from the University of New South Wales in Australia decided to stay on the sidelines and observe. The design report submission period OPENS 1 February at 8AM (0800) US Eastern Time. The Design Report must be submitted by 5pm (1700) US Eastern Time on 23 February 2024, 1700 hrs US ET.The reports will be scored as defined in the design report requirements section. From here you can get a glimpse of any particular competition quickly and easily.

AIAA Announces 2024 Design/Build/Fly (DBF) Competition Winners

Teams can use MATLAB and Simulink to design and validate their aircraft as well as simulate mission profiles. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Design Build Fly (AIAA DBF) competition is an annual aircraft design competition. Each year students are tasked with designing, building, and flying unmanned, electric powered, remote control aircraft.

Embry-Riddle takes first place at AIAA’s student aircraft competition

This year’s DBF objective was to design, build, and test an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to deliver and drop vaccine components. Missions included deployment of the aircraft, staging of vaccination syringes, and delivery of environmentally sensitive vaccine vial packages. More details about the mission requirements can be found on the DBF website at

The airplane must be able to conduct a delivery flight, a medical transport flight, and an urban taxi flight. Teams also conducted a ground mission demonstrating how quickly they can change their aircraft configuration from delivery to medical transport to urban air taxi. This year's flight objective was to design, build, and test a remotely operated radio control airplane for Urban Air Mobility. The AIAA Design Build Fly competition challenges student teams to design and fabricate a radio controlled, electric-powered aircraft to meet a specified mission profile. This competition aims to provide real-world aircraft design experience for engineering students by giving them the opportunity to apply their classroom knowledge to a practical problem.

Teams from 12 countries, including 32 US states participated in the full DBF Competition, including submitting design reports and attending the flyoff. This year’s contestants had to complete a written report, a ground mission and three flights. The first flight required completing a mission of three laps around the course with no added weight. The second mission required flying the same distance with a circular, rotating radome as the payload.

This year’s Design/Build/Fly event challenged students to emulate electric passenger aircraft

After arriving, they still had to contend with a requirement levied by their professors that they assemble the plane entirely on Thursday to help them when the time came to make repairs. Find premiere aerospace technology, engineering, and science content and research across 100+ topics. Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. Learn how to use MATLAB and Simulink to design algorithms, create simulations, deploy code, and speed up software development for your projects. Whether a potential member, sponsor, or curious site visitor, our team would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. “I really see it as a well-rounded project where they pick up technical skills and those teamwork soft skills that really help them become great engineers,” she said.


aiaa design build fly

Being robotic systems with dozens of moving parts, each aircraft draws from every facet of engineering, including aerospace, mechanical, electrical, and software disciplines. Expertise in business operations keeps our 40+ member team running, while competitive intelligence helps us find new advantages. Model aviators from all majors pitch in to design, build, and fly our aircraft for tests and competitions. Embry-Riddle defeated the biggest field in the history of the AIAA event — 93 teams from 13 countries including the United States. Clouds, temperatures in the low 40s and wind gusts of 37 kph on Saturday caused a few teams to crash their aircraft, but Sunday provided nearly ideal flying conditions with a light breeze.

24 April 2022

AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) DBF (Design Build Fly) is an international engineering competition. Each year, student teams field aircraft for a set of complex missions and compete against each other for the highest score. Through this competition, students gain real-world aircraft design experience. Students working with the team will develop skills with products that will carry over to their professional careers. DBF gives students the opportunity to explore a variety of disciplines within aeronautics and apply what they learn in classes in a setting similar to that of industry. Each year, 300+ teams worldwide submit their design reports- about a third of them are invited to the international flyoff, and even fewer successfully complete all three missions.

For more information, visit , or follow AIAA on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Student teams will design, fabricate, and demonstrate the flight capabilities of an unmanned, electric powered, radio controlled aircraft which can best meet the specified mission profile. The goal is a balanced design possessing good demonstrated flight handling qualities and practical and affordable manufacturing requirements while providing a high vehicle performance.

aiaa design build fly

This project is commonly used for senior design, but all others can still join. For more information, visit , or follow AIAA on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Each year students of the University of Washington take part in the AIAA Design, Build, Fly (DBF) competition.

Teams from 14 countries, including 27 US states and the District of Columbia participated in the full DBF Competition, including submitting design reports and attending the flyoff. Student teams will design, fabricate, and demonstrate the flight capabilities of an unmanned, electric powered, radio-controlled aircraft which can best meet the specified mission profile. This year marks the largest-ever flyoff participation, with more than 1,000 students on 93 university teams attending onsite. The flyoff was hosted by AIAA Corporate Member Textron Aviation in Wichita, Kan.

These aircraft are required to meet unique and very specific design requirements and mission profiles. Each year the missions change forcing teams to come up with completely new aircraft year after year. About AIAAThe American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the world’s largest aerospace technical society. With nearly 30,000 individual members from 91 countries, and 100 corporate members, AIAA brings together industry, academia, and government to advance engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense. For more information, visit , or follow AIAA on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

Understanding Research Study Designs PMC

Table Of Content Advantages of case–control studies The data can be a starting point for future research Understanding Research Study Design...